Buenos Aires was founded in 1580 by Juan de Garay. In 1536 Pedro de Mendoza established a first settlement, a fort, it was not city since the Laws of the Indies, abandoned in 1541 due to the constant siege of the natives, 24 belonged to the Viceroyalty of Peru of the Spanish Empire were not met. In 1776 it was designated capital of the newly created Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata by the king of Spain. During the first of the British invasion, which occurred in 1806, the city was occupied by British forces and was for 45 days under the banner of the United Kingdom. In 1810, the inhabitants of the city carried out the May Revolution, which ousted the viceroy, established a board of self-government and began the war for independence from Argentina. During the government of Bartolome Mitre Commitment Act, why it was the seat of the national government and, in turn, the provincial government was made. Finally, in 1880, during the government of Nicolás Avellaneda, he was federalized. Greater Buenos Aires was one of the main destinations of the immigration process that took the Argentina since the late nineteenth century. In 1913 Subway of Buenos Aires, Latin America's first metro was inaugurated. After the Reformation of the Argentina Constitution of 1994 the city could have its own constitution and self-government of direct election, and so did the other provinces.
Buenos Aires is in South America, 34 ° 36 'south latitude and 58 ° 26' west longitude, on the banks of the Rio de la Plata. Off its coast is Colonia del Sacramento, and further, Montevideo, Uruguay's capital, just 220 km (45 min by plane or boat 2.30 h). A 1065 km (1.45 h ticket) Asuncion, capital of Paraguay is located; to 1139 km (2 h ticket), Santiago, Chile's capital; and a little further, to 1719 km (3h plane), is São Paulo, another great metropolis in America Sur.
Buenos Aires is the main educational center of the country and an important center of artistic and intellectual activity. Among its renowned institutions University of Buenos Aires, being among the best and most prestigious universities in America Latina.According to the World Cities Culture Forum, stands the city of the world with more bookstores per capita. Buenos Aires is moreover, among the cities with the highest concentration of theaters worldwide. Among them, the Teatro Colon is by its impeccable acoustics, trajectory and dimensions, one of the five most important opera theaters in the world. Subway of Buenos Aires is the first subway system in Latin America, throughout the hemisphere South and throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
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